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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Love That Leads to Eternal Life

(The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37)

  • Is there a point in your life that you have done a good deed to someone without expecting something in return?                
  • Most of us have probably done it at some point in our lives, but have you ever questioned yourself the motive behind that act?
  • Have you done it out of compulsion, out of fear or out of love?
  • Is there a kind of love that leads to eternal life?

Here in our text this evening, we have come across a very familiar story from the Lord Jesus Christ about the Good Samaritan. I believe every one of us in this church have heard and read about this parable. For us teachers, we have told this story in our Sunday school and Bible Club classes many times. All throughout the Lord’s ministry in this world, Jesus Christ generally teaches his disciples, and the people that wanted to hear Him, through stories. These stories illustrate a moral and spiritual lesson. We call them parables. The Lord teaches this way because: It’s easier for children to learn through stories.